Role: Web Design Lead, Dev Wrangler

Company: Scout Design & Protozoa Design

Project Scope: XXL


Scout Design was a phenomenal design studio in Richmond, specializing in print and small-scale websites. They reached out to me because of my extensive experience with large omnichannel websites.

PlanG’s mission was to make giving to nonprofits easier and more rewarding for everyday people by harnessing the power of micro-donations. The Scout team refined their visual identity and distilled their ethos into the tagline: “Your Giving Matters.”


Due to a promise made to an angel investor, we had an incredibly aggressive timeline to design, build, and launch their website. They needed design, front-end development, and a back-end development team. Additionally, the founders wanted to be heavily involved in the process.

The site required both public-facing and authenticated pages, along with a payment management tool. On top of that, they wanted an app to accompany the website—all within three months. This was going to be a massive time commitment, so I also needed to gain buy-in from my family.


While Angeline and Charlie led the branding work and user research, I developed the initial wire frames and overall strategy for the user experience once a user is logged into PlanG. From there, I took Scout’s design aesthetic and disseminated that throughout the user experience, guiding the visual language, standards and rationale. I provided further guidance and management of the development team that was then pulled together to execute front-end programming.


We literally worked around the clock for several weeks but we met the deadline. On an early morning in June, PlanG, Scout Design and myself all met down at the James River to toast the sunrise as we launched the website. PlanG was born. Almost immediately, Gap, Inc. reached out to PlanG to collaborate on their holiday giving program. In 2015, they were acquired by


  • UX strategy
  • UI design
  • Rapid ideation
  • Wireframes
  • Prototypes
  • People management
  • UX Research